First Methodist Church Livingston
Serving In Israel
March 7, 2020
Community: Jerusalem, Nazareth, Tiberias
Partner: Al Hasad (White Harvest), Hebrew People / Beit Chai
Staff: Linda Castillo, Jennie Pakan
Safe Arrival and Sunday Worship
by Jennie Pakan | March 8, 2020 7:17 AM
After the long day of travel we arrived safely and were welcomed to Israel! We had a short night of rest, but were glad to be in worship this morning with the Israeli church. They had Arabic, Hebrew and English lyrics posted for the worship. "How Great is Our God" Amen!

Sunday School
by Jennie Pakan | March 8, 2020 7:23 AM

Awesome Sunday Lunch!
by Jennie Pakan | March 8, 2020 7:27 AM

Preparing for Evangelism
by Jennie Pakan | March 8, 2020 7:32 AM

Today is the Day of Salvation
by Jennie Pakan | March 8, 2020 7:40 AM

Lots of Ministry Opportunity
by Doug Washburn | March 9, 2020 1:36 PM
On the bus with Pastor Bishara and his wife, Lubna, sharing about what God is doing in and around Nazareth. They asked us to pray for the new women's ministry which will teach young mothers to read and write and how to manage their households. They have also started a church in a one hundred percent Muslim community. This couple has a passion to spread the light of Jesus with everyone they meet. The highlight of our day was praying for this incredible couple.

The Mount of Transfiguration
by Jennie Pakan | March 9, 2020 1:56 PM

Peter was Reinstated at Tabgha
by Jennie Pakan | March 9, 2020 2:06 PM

by Jennie Pakan | March 9, 2020 2:19 PM

by Jennie Pakan | March 9, 2020 2:25 PM
Jesus fed the 5000+ people in this area. We followed the trails up and took some time to rest in God's presence.

Mount of Beatitudes
by Jennie Pakan | March 9, 2020 2:32 PM

Sailing on the Sea of Galilee
by Jennie Pakan | March 10, 2020 6:40 AM
We started the morning with breakfast and devotions. Then, we packed up and headed for the Sea of Galilee. It was an hour on the water, where SO many things happened in Jesus' life! We also had an entertaining host that added lots of fun and played worship music too.

by Jennie Pakan | March 10, 2020 6:43 AM

In the River Jordan
by Jennie Pakan | March 10, 2020 7:28 AM
In the same river where Jesus was baptized, some of us chose to reaffirm our faith and vows to God. The water was very cold, but we are blessed to be here together.

The Dead Sea and Camel Rides
by Jennie Pakan | March 11, 2020 4:15 PM
Many of our group members woke up early to watch the sunrise over the Dead Sea. Afterward, we got on the road to head toward Jerusalem. First we stopped and rode some camels. This was a lot of fun!

The Garden and Tomb
by Jennie Pakan | March 11, 2020 4:28 PM

The Garden of Gethsemane
by Jennie Pakan | March 11, 2020 4:35 PM

Deep Fellowship and Sharing
by Jennie Pakan | March 12, 2020 2:38 AM
Last night, here in Jerusalem, our team members shared from the heart and it was very special. Our connection and love for each other and for God was so evident. We have work to do when we get home to keep on passing the torch of faith. We all need people to go before us, people to come alongside us and people to come after us.

Photo Time
by Jennie Pakan | March 13, 2020 12:49 AM

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
by Jennie Pakan | March 13, 2020 8:30 PM
We visited this beautiful building that is here in honor of Jesus death, burial, and resurrection.

by Jennie Pakan | March 13, 2020 8:32 PM

The Upper Room and Wailing Wall
by Jennie Pakan | March 13, 2020 8:39 PM

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March 8, 2020 10:41 AM
Awesome....!! What a Great Group of disciples... ♥️🌟 Safe Travels to all & praying for everyone there....