Carolina Pelicans
Serving In Jackson, MS
July 16, 2022
Community: Downtown
Partner: Hilltop Church
Staff: Rudy Bazin, Caroline Bazin
Sam's Run!
by Caroline Bazin | July 20, 2022 11:39 AM
After church on Sunday the ladies made a run to Sam's to pick up lunch supplies for our outreach event on Thursday. We barely fit all the food and ourselves in the car!
We're so excited for the prayer that this food is going to help facilitate later in the week!

Free Time
by Caroline Bazin | July 20, 2022 11:42 AM
In our little bit of free time on Sunday afternoon, we learned of a need at our host partners ministry house...a ramp! Previously Clay would have to essentially be carried into the house. He said a lack of accessibility very likely turns men away from commiting to this ministry program. We took that as a challenge and finished this ramp in a few hours!
When God directs, we will follow. So glad we were able to be a blessing to Clay and many others.

Mr. Ronny
by Caroline Bazin | July 20, 2022 11:43 AM

Camp Care
by Caroline Bazin | July 20, 2022 11:45 AM

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