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Update from Asbury Church
School Assembly

by Jason | January 29, 2009 9:11 PM

Today we had our final school assembly. It was wonderful to have the chance to share with the school. We were blessed to hear from the children as well. Pastor Harold shared a message during this time too. We finished our last touch ups with the construction project and also had the opportunity to do some prayer walking and door to door visits. Today at VBS we set a new record... 266 children!!!!! There were more that had to go home early. The little church was PACKED. VBS songs rang out into the streets and community. As the night came to a close we shared our heartful thanks to Pastor Angel and he to us. This has been an amazing week. We look forward to seeing you all at home and sharingthe expeiences God gave us here in Belize.
School Assembly
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The Petyon Family

January 29, 2009 10:00 AM

Your wonderful work is an inspiration to us all! Your spirit and devotion to this mission trip is shown on the faces of all in the photos. We're sending you blessings for the rest of your trip and praying for safe travels home. Looking forward to hearing some of your touching stories at your return. Love and Belief!


January 29, 2009 8:03 AM

What an inspiration! God is so good. He's doing amazing things through each of you. I think of you often and can't wait to hear your stories in person. Thank you for being His disciples and for sharing your faith. Blessings on your trip home. Gwen

Jim & Tee

January 26, 2009 8:30 PM

It's exciting to see the pictures and to read how God is using all of you to share His love with the people of Belize. I pray that you continue to impact them in a powerful way. Good job "Jr. Children's Pastor " Connor! Can't wait to hear all about the trip when you get back. Take care. To God be the Glory! Love you H, W, & 3 C's

Jim & Tee

January 26, 2009 8:05 PM

It's exciting to read how God is using all of you to share His love with the people of Belize. I pray that you continue to impact them in a powerful way. Good job Jr. Pastor Connor! Can't wait to hear all about the trip when you get back. Take care. To God be the Glory!! Love you H, W, and the 3 C's

Alvin Menninga

January 26, 2009 4:19 PM

It's so nice to see pictures from your trip already! It looks like you're already having a great time and having an impact on the people you have met. A special hello to Kristi and Nick Menninga. Hope you're enjoying the warm weather! We are all praying for you!

The Hershbergers

January 25, 2009 7:16 PM

It's great to see your smiling faces! Praying for you and all the lives you will touch and be touched by! Enjoy the sun and the warmth of the people of Belize!

Nicole Biessman

January 25, 2009 1:41 PM

I love your photo. Thanks be to God for your safe travels and reunion with friends from before. Have to say I missed Pastor Harold at church today, but enjoyed Pastor's Ty's message and the Bible 101 study class joked that she summed up our class perfectly with her message about the bible. I pray for your mission work and for your hearts to be open to all that God shows you. Continue spreading the Good News! And keep smiling.

Fellow Pelicans

January 25, 2009 12:59 PM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BECKY! We hope you are enjoying your special day as you are serving in Belize.

Jennie O.

January 25, 2009 12:46 PM

I wish I were there with you all again! I praise God for the brothers and sisters in Christ we have in you, Asbury, and in the foks at El Buen Pastor. God bless you with His Spirit and with joy in His presence. Love and hugs to you.

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