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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Bethel University

Serving In Western North Carolina
January 26, 2025
Community: Buncombe County, Caldwell County
Partner: Generation Church, service center for Latinos, West Lenoir Baptist Church
Staff: Tabitha Frasure, Connor Fritz


by Connor Fritz | January 29, 2025 10:10 PM

When the Lord closes a door, He always opens another. The question is: will you be patient enough to see where it leads?

After a door to ministry closed, the Lord was preparing to introduce us to Ms. Silvia.Ms. Silvia runs a donation center that serves the Latino population in Spruce Pine. After losing access to her home during Hurricane Helene, her immediate response was to serve others.

With a carport full of donations and a yard filled with tents to handle the overflow, our team arrived to see how we could bless her. She shared that after the storm and the tents were set up, trees continued to fall, creating more challenges.

Full of laughter and camaraderie, our team worked together to help Ms. Silvia restore order. Tents were deconstructed, and donations were relocated. What would have been an overwhelming task for one became swift and joyful work for thirteen.

The Lord's presence was evident in Spruce Pine today, moving through the faithful Ms. Silvia. She is one of many hands and feet serving her community. It was our privilege to bless her in return for the countless ways she has blessed others.



by Connor Fritz | January 29, 2025 10:12 PM

Dear troubled woman.

We pray Roman 8:38-39

You came in operating under the assumption that the mistakes you make 20 years ago carried with you all your life. You felt like you ran away from repentance and thought the Lord would show you his wrath.

There is nothing you can do to separate you from the love of God. As we go we continue to pray that you find the real Jesus. Not a corrupted take on him. We are praying that even if you are lost in translation and struggle, the Lord is always seeking after you.

Dear enemy,

Your approach to hijack are day got flipped on its side. When chaos approached praise brought us together.

Dear bystanders,

We pray that you question what was happening in that random parking lot at the top of the mountain. Praise was rising like holy incense. An aroma pleasing to the spirit. We pray that you come to know the taste not just the smell.

Dear Lord,

There is nothing greater privilege than the opportunity to praise your name. You showed us your face and we are beyond blessed. We are humbled.

Just being in your presence today left us feeling bold to be undignified. There is nothing we love more than you.



by Connor Fritz | January 29, 2025 10:13 PM

Today started with humble expectation. Expectation that God would make Himself known. And like a loving father he came close. It felt as though there was an invitation to rest in his presence and stop the need to strive. 

This opened the door for us to simply wait for the Lord to move.

With joy from the father radiating off of us, along came frank. What a guy. Words can hardly express. I think this sentence describes him enough "well, you know, I played line backer in high school". [this was over 45 years ago]. But simply, he was a man who desired community and to be loved on. It was our pleasure to be the liaison between him and the Lord. Through prayer, through rides on his "machine ", and through hearing silly stories it was a joy all around.

Ending the day, shoving tacos in our face, we are excited for the Lord to fill us. One more day. One more day on the mountain.


The Question everyone is asking…

by Connor Fritz | January 29, 2025 10:15 PM

Is Belinda here yet? 
The Question everyone is asking…

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | January 31, 2025 11:57 PM

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See you fam !

First Christian Church

Costa Rica | February 7, 2025

Clean up!

Oakland Catholic High School

Jamaica | February 14, 2025

That’s a wrap!

Crossroads Church

Hawaii | February 14, 2025

Team meeting

Coastal Christian High School

Costa Rica | February 15, 2025

Local treats!

Westfield Evangelical Free Church

Puerto Rico | February 15, 2025





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