by Quevit Francisco | September 29, 2024 2:33 PM
During our second day we were able to participate in a service led by the church leadership. This was a very special time because we were able to pray and share testimonies of how God has been using the local church and ministries for his glory. It was a time where we reflected on the work that our heavenly Father has entrusted us to do to reach our communities with his light and love.
Durante nuestro segundo día pudimos participar en un servicio dirigido por el liderazgo de la iglesia. Este fue un tiempo muy especial porque pudimos orar y compartir testimonios de como Dios ha estado usando la iglesia local y los ministerios para su gloria. Fue un tiempo donde reflexionamos en el trabajo que nuestro padre celestial no ha encomendado para alcanzar nuestras comunidades con su luz y amor.
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