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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Faith Life Lutheran Church

Serving In Jackson, MS
July 22, 2023
Staff: Matthew Monseth, Reagan Norman, Lauren Dorsey

Sunday Service at First Baptist Church Ridgeland

by Lauren Dorsey | July 23, 2023 2:46 PM

This team started their morning early with a wonderful service at First Baptist Church Ridgeland. We got the opportunity to sit & fellowship with different members of the congregation. 

Following church, the team enjoyed a yummy lunch at Sal & Mookies. We had the best conversations of sharing testimonies & speaking truth and light into each others lives. 

The Lord is already moving in the hearts of these students! Praise Him for such a beautiful day! 

Sunday Service at First Baptist Church Ridgeland

Ministry Shopping!

by Reagan Norman | July 24, 2023 9:32 AM

Yesterday afternoon we went shopping for a ministry called, Soul Snatchers that we will be helping out with later this week! We are so excited to see how the Lord is going to use this food to create a doorway for us to share the gospel! 

Ministry Shopping!

Evening Debrief & Worship

by Lauren Dorsey | July 24, 2023 9:36 AM

The team ended their first day in Jackson recapping how they saw God in the little moments throughout the activities. We heard an amazing message from James on saying “yes” and stepping into the unknown out of obedience to the Lord. We are ended the debrief with fun songs and dances to “My Lighthouse” and “This Little Light of Mine!” 

Evening Debrief & Worship

Game Time!

by Reagan Norman | July 24, 2023 9:37 AM

We ended last night by playing a couple rounds of knock out and by playing “among us” in the dark! It was such a fun time!
Game Time!

Pre-Ministry Prayer

by Lauren Dorsey | July 24, 2023 9:40 AM

Before jumping into service projects this morning, Izzy led the team in prayer to prepare their hearts and minds for how the Lord is going to work today! 
Pre-Ministry Prayer

Gifts for Volunteers!

by Reagan Norman | July 25, 2023 11:36 PM

Yesterday we got to help pack bags with a water bottle and T-shirt that will be given our to FBC Ridgeland’s volunteers! We got to cover them in prayer, praying that they would feel loved and seen by these gifts! 

Gifts for Volunteers!

Building Relationships with Mr. Leon

by Lauren Dorsey | July 25, 2023 11:38 PM

Today, a group of the students had the opportunity to serve lunch to over 100 individuals in the community experiencing homelessness at our partnership “StewPot.” 

Sweet Mr. Leon came up to a group of us thanking us for our service and said a blessing over us and headed out on his way. 20 minutes later, he walked back in to share with us a message he felt the Holy Spirit laid on his heart. Mr. Leon shared with us a beautiful poem he wrote 38 years ago that filled us with inspiration and joy! 

The students were able to have such fruitful conversation with him followed by a circle of prayer! This is evidence of God working in their lives! Praise be to God for Mr. Leon’s boldness in sharing his story and the students eagerness to pray with him and serve! 

Building Relationships with Mr. Leon


by Reagan Norman | July 25, 2023 11:39 PM

Part of the team broke off for a couple hours and we got to help out at Stewpot where we were able to serve food to those who may not have access to food! Such a blessing to be able to serve other people! 

Street Clean Up!

by Reagan Norman | July 25, 2023 11:41 PM

These past two days we’ve been able to help clean up a couple streets here in Jackson by scraping up dirt that was in the gutters! We have some very hard workers in our midst!
Street Clean Up!

Hairnet Time!

by Reagan Norman | July 26, 2023 11:26 AM

We’re excited to serve at Stewpot again this morning! 

Hairnet Time!


by Reagan Norman | July 27, 2023 10:47 AM

Tester afternoon part of the team went to a local middle school and helped pull out weeds and fix up their garden!


Basketball Time!

by Reagan Norman | July 27, 2023 10:49 AM

We enjoyed an amazing Bible Study at Hilltop Church last night! We were able to hang out with part of the Church congregation and play basketball with them! Those that weren’t playing had so much fun getting to know the people at Hilltop! 
Basketball Time!

The Lord is Moving!

by Reagan Norman | July 27, 2023 10:52 AM

Before our ministry this morning started the Lord was already moving! It’s such a good reminder that we can not confine God to a box or a time slot. The Lord wants to move in every moment in our lives. We are praying that we have the heart to stop and see the Lord moving! We don’t want to miss out on what He’s already doing!
The Lord is Moving!

Free Food! Free Prayer!

by Reagan Norman | July 27, 2023 10:54 AM

This morning we are partnering with Hilltop Church and their ministry called “Soul Snatchers!” We are ready to see how the Lord uses us and how He grows us during this time! Pestering for boldness and confidence in the Lord today! 

Free Food! Free Prayer!

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | July 28, 2023 11:57 PM

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Ministry never stops

Faith Fellowship

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See you fam !

First Christian Church

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Clean up!

Oakland Catholic High School

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Pastor's house construction project

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That’s a wrap!

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Hawaii | February 14, 2025





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