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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Canyon Del Oro Bible Church

Serving In Houston, TX
June 28, 2021
Community: Houston, Pasadena
Partner: Houston Food Bank, Impact Houston Church of Christ, Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen, Memorial Baptist Church
Staff: Jacob Morgan, Anna Morgan

We've Arrived!

by Anna Morgan | June 28, 2021 8:07 AM

We have arrived in Houston and are settled in at our lodging church. Our PPM staff led us through our orientation meeting, and we are looking forward to an incredible week!

We've Arrived!

Faith Center

by Anna Morgan | June 28, 2021 6:57 PM

This morning we served at the Faith Center. This center is a place full of resources for those in need of food, clothes, and household goods. 

We served, organized, and packed clothes, nonperishable food, and frozen food. The food center serves hundreds of families a week. 

Faith Center


by Anna Morgan | June 28, 2021 7:00 PM

After some of the organizing and sorting was done, we focused our attention on packing bags for families that come through the center. We packed about 300 bags to be given to families.

Tile Time!

by Anna Morgan | June 28, 2021 7:05 PM

This afternoon we split into different project groups around our partner church, Memorial Baptist Church. One group replaced ceiling tiles that were water damaged. 
Tile Time!

Toy Time!

by Anna Morgan | June 28, 2021 9:30 PM

Some of us cleaned and reorganized the toy supply closet in the gym of the church. Memorial opens it's doors to so many in the community, and this closet houses many of the tools used for outreach. The gym is used by basketball teams for practice, for the community for a weekly basketball tournament, for children's ministry, football practice, cheerleading practice, and more. We were able to clean the area and make it more effective for their incredible outreach efforts. 

Toy Time!

Getting Ready to Give

by Anna Morgan | June 28, 2021 9:33 PM

Some of us helped sort and pack bags that we will give to some of the homeless community later this week. The bags are packed with toiletries and essentials. The bags themselves were made by the women's ministry at the church. Aren't they lovely?

Homelessness is a huge challenge in the Houston area. Food insecurity and hunger are also overwhelming needs in this city. We hope to meet some physical needs as well as meeting spiritual needs as we minister. 

Getting Ready to Give

Batter Up

by Anna Morgan | June 28, 2021 10:09 PM

We ended the day with a fun game of whiffle ball. Team Mustard beat team Ketchup 12-11! 

At our team meeting, we worshipped, debriefed the day, and were encouraged through a devotional.

Batter Up

Impact Food Distribution

by Anna Morgan | June 29, 2021 6:18 PM

We were up and eating breakfast at 6:30 this morning so that we could serve with Impact Houston at 7:45. It's an incredible ministry and church that serves all ages in a variety of way. 

Impact Food Distribution

Junk In The Trunk

by Anna Morgan | June 29, 2021 6:31 PM

The food distribution is done by loading a lot of food into each car trunk. Impact Houston serves around 500 families each week. It was an honor to serve alongside them and help in their ministry. 

The Houston humidity caught us off guard this morning compared to our dry Tuscon heat. We powered through and had a great time!

Junk In The Trunk

(sheet) ROCKING it!

by Anna Morgan | June 29, 2021 6:45 PM

This afternoon half of our group headed over to Old River Terrace UMC. During the freeze in Houston in February, the water pipe on their fellowship hall burst and destroyed all of their sheetrock. We were able to help with some of this project today. We enjoyed getting to meet and work with Pastor Chris. 
(sheet) ROCKING it!

Working in the Rain

by Anna Morgan | June 29, 2021 6:48 PM

The other half of our group stayed at our host church and pressure washed. It rained a little while during our work time, but that didn't slow us down! Our partner church is full of amazing people, and we want it to look just as amazing on the outside. 
Working in the Rain

Life Stories

by Anna Morgan | June 30, 2021 8:30 PM

We ended the evening by sharing our life stories in small groups and spending time praying for one another. We learned a lot about each other and gained confidence in sharing our own stories. Sharing our testimony is a powerful way to encourage believers and show the Lord's power to 'not yet' believers. 

Life Stories

Go, Guys Go!

by Anna Morgan | June 30, 2021 8:36 PM

This morning part of our team went back to Old River Terrace UMC to continue hanging sheetrock. It's hard work, but we are enjoying serving with Pastor Chris and getting this done.
Go, Guys Go!

Sort, Sort, Sort

by Anna Morgan | June 30, 2021 8:39 PM

The other part of our team went to Impact Houston to work in their warehouse. They have a huge warehouse that houses clothes, furniture, household goods, and more for those in need. We were able to sort 4 pallets stacks with bags and bags of clothes this morning. We sorts according to whether it was men, women, or children's clothes. We also sorted through accessories. 

These clothes will go to families needing them. We pray that each person who is blessed with them would know that Jesus knows and loves them and that they experience His salvation. 

Sort, Sort, Sort

To The Streets

by Anna Morgan | June 30, 2021 8:46 PM

This afternoon we went downtown to minister in one of the tent city areas known to be a place where those who are homeless stay. We took the hygiene bags we packed earlier this week with us to give out to those we met. The bags served as a prop to start conversation with those we met. Our goal was to have real conversations with anyone we encountered, share about Jesus, pray over them, and spread joy. 

Spending time on the streets stretched some of us, challenged some of us, fueled some of us, and impacted all of us. 

To The Streets


by Anna Morgan | June 30, 2021 8:48 PM

Donuts were a fun stop after a long and amazing day of ministry.

The Turtle Bayou

by Anna Morgan | July 1, 2021 8:41 PM

This morning we served with the Galvatron Bay Foundation. We worked at one of their nature preserves called the Turtle Bayou and helped clean up the area. We filled bags and bags with trash that we picked up from the trails and around the river. 

The Turtle Bayou


by Anna Morgan | July 1, 2021 8:43 PM

We visited a Buc-ee's for lunch, and now we see why people rave about them! We had a blast exploring the store and experiencing their delicious sandwich options. 

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

by Anna Morgan | July 1, 2021 8:44 PM

This afternoon some of us headed back to Old River Terrace to continue with the sheetrock. Some of the church members stopped by to see the work that had been done, and they were so pleased and excited about the progress. We are honored to be part of getting this building ready for ministry again!
Can't Stop, Won't Stop

Unfinished Business

by Anna Morgan | July 1, 2021 8:47 PM

The other part of our group continued pressure washing at Memorial Baptist! We had unfinished business and wanted to get more done from the other day. It was hot this afternoon. We were thankful for each other so that we could take turns working and resting. What a difference this has made at the church!
Unfinished Business

That's a Wrap!

by Anna Morgan | July 2, 2021 11:49 AM

What an incredible week! We're packed up and heading out for some Houston fun before boarding our plane this afternoon. 

Thank you CDO for an amazing week! You served and loved well! Thank you for being uniquely you!

That's a Wrap!

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See You Later

Carolina Forest Community Church

Costa Rica | February 5, 2025

Ministry never stops

Faith Fellowship

Costa Rica | February 6, 2025

See you fam !

First Christian Church

Costa Rica | February 7, 2025

Prayer Time with Lahaina Baptist

Crossroads Church

Hawaii | February 13, 2025

Clean up!

Oakland Catholic High School

Jamaica | February 14, 2025





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