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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Summit Christian Academy

Serving In Jackson, MS
March 6, 2021
Staff: Rudy Bazin, Carlene Cummings, Caroline Bazin

We made it!

by Caroline Bazin | March 6, 2021 8:50 PM

After a long road trip, we've finally made it to Jackson! We were greeted by our PPM staff members, church members, and Pastor Andy. 

We are so excited for the week ahead!

We made it!

Thanks Maggie!

by Caroline Bazin | March 7, 2021 8:17 PM

Maggie did a great job sharing at church this morning! The congregation loved hearing her "why" behind coming on this trip to Jackson.
Thanks Maggie!

Thanks Brock!

by Caroline Bazin | March 7, 2021 8:19 PM

Brock shared some of his testimony with the church this morning. He did such a good job!
Thanks Brock!

Civil Rights Museum

by Caroline Bazin | March 7, 2021 8:22 PM

After a prayer walk downtown, we made our way to the Civil Rights museum. It was a sobering and humbling experience to educate ourselves more on the civil rights history of, not only Mississippi, but of the United States. 

We're so excited to jump into our first service day tomorrow. Pray for us as we serve with our hands and words!

Civil Rights Museum

Morning Ministry

by Caroline Bazin | March 8, 2021 8:58 PM

This morning, our team split up into 2 groups. 

One group stayed at our host church to help with various projects. One of the big projects was filling in an eroding ditch. This was tough work! The other group helped organize a few classrooms inside. We're thankful that we can give back to our gracious hosts in this way!

The second group spent their morning at We Will Go ministry in downtown Jackson. They helped restock and organize their food pantry and also helped beautify the playground and the property!

It was a full morning!

Morning Ministry

Soul Snatchers

by Caroline Bazin | March 8, 2021 9:01 PM

Before heading back to our morning projects to finish up, the whole team met up in West Jackson to serve with Care Center Ministries at their Soul Snatchers event. 

We were able to meet the city's water crisis by passing out cases of drinking water to family. We also shared a meal with locals. The most important part of this ministry activity, however, was the powerful prayer that happened with every single person that came through the line. 

What a blessing!

Soul Snatchers

All Hands On Deck

by Rudy Bazin | March 9, 2021 2:44 PM

Mrs. James is a member of our host church here in Mississippi. He is an elderly man battling some health issues. What a blessing it is to be able to come and assist him with some yard work that he needed done! The Lord is good! 

All Hands On Deck

Chat With Kevin

by Rudy Bazin | March 9, 2021 2:48 PM

Kevin is one of the community leaders here in Jackson dedicated to doing the work of the Lord. We got to hear from him and his heart for the city of Jackson, Mississippi. It was infectious! 
Chat With Kevin

Be Bold

by Rudy Bazin | March 9, 2021 2:51 PM

Many of us got the opportunity to step out of our comfort zone to pray for different community members in the Jackson area. We are humbled that God provided us the opportunity to witness for Him! 
Be Bold

Fun run in with the Police Chief

by Carlene Cummings | March 9, 2021 7:23 PM

While part of the team was working on a house with Care Center Ministries, we got a surprise visit from the Jackson Chief of Police. Don't worry it's all good news! Police chief James Davis just happen to be driving through the neighborhood and saw our team working and decided to stop. He was so encouraged to see people working on the house and yard. He wanted to tell us how thankful he was to see people investing in the community. Turns out that he is friends with some of the leaders from Care Center so they were able to connect and we got a fun picture together. 

Fun run in with the Police Chief

Prayer Love

by Rudy Bazin | March 10, 2021 11:29 AM

We love getting to fellowship with one another through prayer this week. What a blessing!

Prayer Love

Food Distribution Ready

by Rudy Bazin | March 10, 2021 2:39 PM

All of the volunteers gathered for s moment of prayer to ask God to take over the food distribution. Man did He show up!!

Food Distribution Ready

Farewell Jackson

by Rudy Bazin | May 26, 2021 4:42 PM

We couldn't have asked for a better and more impactful week of ministry. We loved and were loved on, served and were served, witnessed and were witnessed to. This place will be forever in our hearts and we look forward to returning! 

Farewell Jackson

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Michael Cobaugh

March 10, 2021 2:51 PM

Here is a reminder dont forget to Spring forward this Saturday it's time change Sunday remind your partner church

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Ministry never stops

Faith Fellowship

Costa Rica | February 6, 2025

See you fam !

First Christian Church

Costa Rica | February 7, 2025

Clean up!

Oakland Catholic High School

Jamaica | February 14, 2025

Pastor's house construction project

Coastal Christian High School

Costa Rica | February 14, 2025

That’s a wrap!

Crossroads Church

Hawaii | February 14, 2025





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