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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Bedford 1st Church of God

Serving In Alaska
July 27, 2019
Community: Wasilla
Partner: Mat-Su Covenant Church
Staff: Joshua Scott, Rick Millikin, Mel Frecceiro (Trollman)

We Made It!

by Rick Millikin | July 27, 2019 4:54 PM

We’re safely in Alaska and are headed to a farmer's market. 

We Made It!

Cook Inlet

by Rick Millikin | July 27, 2019 10:09 PM

We stopped for a picture of the Cook Inlet overlooking  Anchorage. Turned out to be a beautiful day. 

Cook Inlet

Finishing a Laundry Room

by Rick Millikin | July 29, 2019 12:56 AM

We are mudding and taping a janitor's closet/laundry room that will allow homeless families to have access to a washer and dryer. 

Finishing a Laundry Room

Wiring is Ran

by Rick Millikin | July 29, 2019 12:58 AM

The 30 amp dryer wire and lights are in and ready for connection once we’re done in here. 
Wiring is Ran

Meeting the Mat-Su Cov. Congregation

by Joshua Scott | July 30, 2019 2:44 AM

It was uplifting to worship with the Mat-Su community on Sunday morning. 

Meeting the Mat-Su Cov. Congregation

Cookie Decorating Competition

by Joshua Scott | July 30, 2019 2:46 AM

When not working, we enjoy a good laugh. Tonight, we faced off in a cookie decorating competition. There were three categories of prizes: Best overall cookie, most creative cookie, and best 'OK' cookie. 
Cookie Decorating Competition

Best Overall Cookie

by Joshua Scott | July 30, 2019 2:48 AM

The award for best 'overall' cookie went to Pastor Trent, who decorated a cookie to look like Denali. As a prize, he won a 20 oz. bottle of Dr. Pepper. 
Best Overall Cookie

Lifted Up Radio Crew

by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 3:58 PM

We sat in a helped host the morning show Lifted Up with Pastor Rick this morning. You can listen to more of us at 1:05 pm tomorrow. Www.kjlp.org 

Lifted Up Radio Crew

A Perfect Color

by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 4:01 PM

We’re finishing a new wall for the worship green room. 
A Perfect Color

250’ of Wire

by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 4:06 PM

Justin prepping mc cable to pull electrical for the upstairs project. 
250’ of Wire

Serving the Homeless

by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 4:09 PM

We washed, prepped, and chopped enough vegetables for two days- feeding up to 2000 people. 
Serving the Homeless

What a Ham!

by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 4:12 PM

We’re making ham sandwiches for a lunch event for homeless families. We had the honor of serving together in the Beans Kitchen. 
What a Ham!


by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 4:14 PM

Pastor Trent delicately slices enough ham to feed the masses. 

The Thinker

by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 6:30 PM

Project coordinator, Adrea, makes a plan for us as we repair walls, ceilings, and prep for painting. Things are coming together. 

The Thinker

Rough-in of Wiring

by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 6:33 PM

Jayden is prepping the studs to pull wire through for power in the bathroom. 
Rough-in of Wiring

Tall Order

by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 6:35 PM

We found Josh filling a tall order for mud and taping the laundry room. Perfect man for the job. 
Tall Order

Ready, Set, SORT

by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 6:37 PM

Hey, we’re running out of floor space as we sort the team supplies and first aid kits. 
Ready, Set, SORT


by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 6:39 PM

We’re working together to get this bathroom ready for wiring. Eventually, this bathroom will service adults, youth, and homeless families in transition to housing. 

Assembly Line

by Rick Millikin | July 30, 2019 6:41 PM

We prepped so much food of all varieties for the people that find themselves stuck on the streets. For some, this may be the only meal they eat all day. 
Assembly Line

Thunderbird Falls

by Joshua Scott | July 31, 2019 3:36 AM

We visited Thunderbird Falls tonight, one of the prettiest waterfalls in Alaska. 

Thunderbird Falls


by Joshua Scott | July 31, 2019 3:38 AM

This is a pic of the waterfall from below. Ask Adrea how the water felt (she 'fell' in on accident). 

Work and Worship Balance

by Joshua Scott | July 31, 2019 3:39 AM

Just as we strike a balance in our daily lives between work and worship, so too on this trip we take time to study scripture and worship together each night. 
Work and Worship Balance

Hatcher's Pass

by Joshua Scott | July 31, 2019 3:41 AM

Although it started raining soon after this picture, we were fortunate enough to see God's majesty today in the mountains near our host church. 
Hatcher's Pass

Always Play it Safe...

by Joshua Scott | July 31, 2019 1:27 PM

Ethan demonstrating how (not) to use the proper job site safety equipment. 

Always Play it Safe...

Friday’s Radio Crew

by Rick Millikin | August 2, 2019 6:26 PM

We joined pastor Rick on Lifted up for Thursday and Friday morning. He’s going through 1 Corinthians 

Friday’s Radio Crew

Tile Work

by Rick Millikin | August 2, 2019 6:28 PM

We found this amazing tile, 50%off, so we’re doing the laundry room. Adrea has a tough cut of multiple angles. She nailed it!
Tile Work


by Rick Millikin | August 2, 2019 6:30 PM

We were floored by how excellent the tile turned out. This is going to be a beautiful laundry room for helping families in transition and visiting teams. 

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Nweso Flavious Yeyeh

February 23, 2023 11:40 AM

I just feel like joining in spreading the Gospel there right now. I'm excited and encouraged to do more for the Lord. We're praying for you.

Michael Cobaugh

March 22, 2022 12:49 AM

Ice cream Mel and another air show I know the best spot to watch the air show

Kirstin & Randy V.

August 2, 2019 11:49 PM

Great job guys! Awesome work being done here! Crystal- Love seeing the whole family doing something great together. What an amazing experience for your young men sons! Proud of all of you!

Tracey schaaf

July 31, 2019 2:47 PM

Love the journal. In my thoughts and prayers

Diane Freed

July 30, 2019 10:30 PM

I love seeing all the pictures of the work you are doing, and the fun you are having, too!

Terry Wright Jr.

July 30, 2019 5:39 PM

Continued prayers for all.

Patty McCullough

July 30, 2019 2:52 PM

Cookies look yummy!😊 Continued prayers.

Karla Hunter

July 30, 2019 6:11 AM

Prayers to all of you!

Misty Butcher

July 29, 2019 10:37 PM

Continuing to pray for all of you!

Terry Wright Jr.

July 29, 2019 10:01 PM

Praying for everyone!

Patty McCullough

July 29, 2019 9:56 PM

Praying for all of you🙏

Char Turner

July 29, 2019 9:12 PM


Diane Freed

July 29, 2019 8:25 PM

Praying for all of you every day!!

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Minneapolis, MN 55425
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See You Later

Carolina Forest Community Church

Costa Rica | February 5, 2025

Ministry never stops

Faith Fellowship

Costa Rica | February 6, 2025

See you fam !

First Christian Church

Costa Rica | February 7, 2025

Prayer Time with Lahaina Baptist

Crossroads Church

Hawaii | February 13, 2025

Clean up!

Oakland Catholic High School

Jamaica | February 14, 2025





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